Visit Whitman
Coletyn Everdell
Dawson Abbe
Ethan Salvadalena
Carlos Motta
Our goal with this project is to bring attention to Whitman County the different things it has to offer. By picking words and topics that encompasses the feeling and experience of Whitman, my team and I have created different motion graphics and posters to show off what Whitman offers to both visitors and residents alike.
This series of posters shows off the natural landscapes around the county, with the text *subtly* behind objects in the photos keeping it simple and attractive, leaving the focus on the landscape itself.
Putting a simple poster in the busiest cities drives home the point that Whitman is a place to "get away", leaving behind the stress, even for a weekend to explore and recharge before getting back to everyday stress. 
Coordinates corresponding with the three largest towns (Pullman, Palouse, and Colfax)
Below is most of the images and assets we used.